Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just for fun

I have a blogger friend who tagged me in a blog to do this. Seems interesting so, since I actually a spare moment to do it, I'll give it a try. You post 12 likes, 1 love, and 8 hates. Here goes...

The sound of my boys' laughter
The beach
The feeling I get after completing a good run
A good cheeseburger
A nice glass of wine
Hearing my children first thing in the morning...even if I'm still sleepy
A sermon that steps on your toes
My alma mater..Liberty University
People who are compassionate
The smell after a rain
Spontaneous shopping/restuarant trips with my friends

My husband!! He is a wonderful man, great father, and good friend. He works hard for our family and tries his best to honor God and leads his family spiritually.

Hates (although I have always felt that 'hate' is a strong word..strongly dislike is what I'm going for)
To see my children's tears
Lose touch or closeness with a friend
To see my friends go through difficult things I cannot make better for them
A bad attitude
Swimsuit season, especially after having a baby less than a year before it rolls around again
Getting older

Okay, guess now I have to tag others. Amie at My Venting Space, Royale at Roro Times, and Holly at Beautiful Suburbia. Have fun!

1 comment:

Holly said...

It was fun! Thanks for playing!!